How the Dutch Government can realise its circular ambitions

Published on the 15th of February 2017

Ahead of the Dutch national election in March, the magazine De Ingenieur asked ten opinion formers what the next Government needs to do to help the Netherlands transition to greater renewable energy use and the circular economy. Metabolic’s CEO Eva Gladek was one of those asked to outline what needs to happen to realise a more sustainable future.

Eva outlined to De Ingenieur that whilst it is exiting that the Government has committed to realising a circular economy by 2050 (and reducing material use by half by 2030), the plans remain vague and require some strong leadership. She suggested five ways that will help get us there:

1. Make it clear what a circular economy should look like

2. Provide data on material flows

3. Do something about the demand for commodities

4. Develop new financing models

5. Create a market for circular products

You can read more on these five points in the full article, in Dutch, here.

Or to read more on this topic, check out Metabolic’s ‘Seven Pillars of the Circular Economy’.

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