
Raja Khilnani

Graphic and Information Designer

Sustainability, to me, means crafting designs that stand the test of time, leaving a lasting, meaningful legacy for the future. A promise of a cleaner, greener, and more breathable planet that ignites joy and inspiration. It’s about adopting positive values today, taking action, and leaving behind a world that embodies our shared hopes and dreams.

Coming from North India, Raja continues to be inspired by the iconic Taj Mahal. His earliest memories are of sketching and illustrating, a passion that kindled the fires of creativity within him.

Completing a bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design and Animation, Raja delved into visual storytelling and data visualization. His deep-seated passion lies in simplifying complex ideas, emotions, and information through compelling design.

Driven by this desire to create purposeful designs, Raja moved to Milan, Italy to pursue a master’s in Digital and Interaction Design at Politecnico di Milano, focusing on UI/UX. There he learned to put users first in his design process, to create designs and experiences that genuinely impact people’s lives.

Outside work, you’ll find him covered in glitter at music festivals, sipping coffee and journaling at quaint cafes, or visiting museums and art exhibitions.

+31 203 69 09 77
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